Hair Transplant Treatment at A Low Price in Palm Desert

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Posted on : June 24, 2022 | Category : Hair Transplant | Author: Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Team

Hair Transplant PD

Hair transplantation is a hair restoration procedure done by hair specialist surgeons to restore hair that grows partially or has refused to grow completely. In most cases, hair loss happens due to ageing. However, it may sometimes occur due to physical trauma, stress, or a medical condition. As a hair restoration patient, you can decide to undergo the hair transplant procedure for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes at our hair transplant clinic in palm desert. When you undergo a hair transplant procedure, you need to understand what you can expect from it as the final result. 

What is Hair Transplant Treatment?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure by removing healthy hair follicles from one area of the head to another area experiencing hair loss. Simply put, a hair transplant procedure transfers hair follicles to areas that need to grow hair. When faced with baldness caused by DHT (the male hormone responsible for hair loss), the entire scalp is unaffected. This means that there will be some healthy hair left on the scalp. Healthy hair is often found at the head's back or sides. Harvesting healthier, fuller hair and transferring it to the balding areas will see them growing just as they used to in the donor area. 

Types of Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is all about surgically removing hair follicles from the back and implanting them in the front, which is the balding area. The hair that grows in the back is resistant to hair loss. This means that, even after harvesting them, they will grow back for a lifetime. Before implanting, the harvested grafts are dissected into follicular units of one to two hair strands. The results of your hair transplantation will look more natural if only a few hair follicles are transplanted per session. The hair transplantation procedure takes three approaches. Let's look at these categories.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT hair transplant is also called Follicular Unit Transplantation, which stands for follicular unit strip surgery. This technique involves cutting out a linear strip of skin from the donor area. After the harvesting, graft hair of one to four hair stands is dissected, and graft hair is put under an environmentally controlled area. Once the recipient site is ready, the surgeon will make incisions where the grafted hair will be inserted. 

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

The follicular unit extraction is a relatively new hair restoration technique, and it's enjoying a warm reception because many people are embracing it. During the hair harvesting process, the doctor will transplant individual hair grafts. The donor's hair is also harvested from the head's sides or back. The goodness of this technique is that the surgeon can customize the final results to meet the patient's hair restoration goals. This reduces the downtime and recovery time. It is also a great hair restoration procedure because it is less invasive and does not leave a linear scar like the FUT hair loss treatment.

Scalp Reduction

This type of hair transplant procedure is not as popular as the two mentioned procedures. It is usually used to reduce a high receding hairline resulting from male pattern baldness. Scalp reduction is quite expensive, and it may cause scalp lighting, which also causes hair thinning.

Read more: How Much Does Fut Hair Transplant Cost In Palm Desert?

How Does A Hair Transplant Work?

A topical hair consists of the hair follicle found under the skin and the shaft, which protrudes from the skin. Hair growth in little clusters or patches called follicular units. One to four hair follicles with full-sized hair make up a follicular unit. Hair restoration technicians and surgeons can see and identify each follicular unique using a powerful microscope. Moving healthy hair from a safe donor area to your balding area is known as a hair transplant. Hair follicles from the donor area need to be healthy since they are generally not predisposed to baldness. When the hair of the donor grafts is placed in the recipient site, they will continue growing as they used to do in the donor area. 

How to Choose an FUE Hair Clinic in Palm Desert?

The hair transplant procedure is a life-changing experience that is likely to affect the rest of your life. If you lost your physical beauty, self-esteem, or confidence after hair loss, the hair transplant procedure offers you a chance to redeem yourself. These are the things that you need to consider when choosing a hair transplant clinic in palm desert:

1. Get to know your doctor

Before choosing a hair transplant doctor, you must first access his or her clinic online. From their website, you are going to find vital information about the kind of services that they are offering. To verify their knowledge about the hair transplant clinic in palm desert, check what its academic credentials say. You can learn about Dr. John Kahen from here. 

2. Look For An Experienced Staff

Dr. Kahen is one of a handful of hair transplant surgeons who performs his procedures with minimal assistance. He believes the results are based on the skills of an experienced surgeon. Dr. Kahen does not hire physician assistants or other non-experienced physicians or non-physicians to perform the procedure. Hair transplant technicians are with Dr. Kahen every step of the way. They perform many of the backroom activities necessary to make your procedure an excellent one! Working side by side with Dr. Kahen, technicians perform quality control in every hair graft abiding by the higher standards of Dr. Kahen.

3. Examine the Clinic's Instruments

Beverly Hills Hair Restoration in Palm Desert can produce great results because we use the most updated technologies and instruments. 

4. Inquire about your preferred hair transplant method

The two main hair transplant techniques used to restore hair in hair transplant clinics in palm desert are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). What you decide to use will determine the outcome of the procedure.

5. Look for before-and-after photos

If the hair restoration clinic is reputable and offers credible hair restoration services, it will store some of its before and after photos of the procedures done in the past. Viewing these images will allow you to see whether you will like the final results of the hair transplant procedure. 

6. Consider the Costs

Many of those who decide to get a hair transplant procedure to choose the smart FUE hair transplant technique. However, the hair transplant cost in palm desert will depend on the type of clinic and experience of the surgeon. Even though you may want to go for cheaper clinics, that is not the best option because their hair restoration techniques may not be up to standard.

Also, you can Read: What Happens During The Procedure For Transgender Hair Transplant?

Cost of the Procedure

Before settling for a particular hair restoration clinic, you must first confirm how much they are changing to perform a hair transplant procedure. There is no preset price that BHHR in Palm Desert charges. We are a clinic serving all the clients from Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, and La Quinta. We understand the need of each patient and provide them with quality services at an affordable price. Our team of experts includes licensed medical professionals who have years of experience in this field. We also provide aftercare instructions to make sure you get the best results possible. The average hair transplant cost in Palm Desert varies greatly based on several factors. Largely, the number of graft hairs the surgeon will transfer is used to determine the cost of the hair transplant surgery. How advanced the hair loss will determine the cost of the procedure, which averages from $10,000 to $25,000. 


Our FUE hair transplant in palm desert procedure is usually successful because we always use the right volume of follicular units to provide adequate coverage. Besides the hair transplant procedures, we have sufficient experience and expertise to perform other hair restoration procedures and treatments. As a patient, you need to have realistic expectations because it is impossible to reverse hair loss permanently, affecting the entire scalp. Our clinic offers hair transplant before and after images to show you what the final results of various techniques will look like. You can access these images by accessing our website.

If you have any questions about Hair Transplant Treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us 760.501.0080 or Schedule an Appointment

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